i just can't help but talk. all the time, about everything. enjoy

February 15th, 2024: HRT

I started HRT today.

February 8th, 2024: div

figuring out div tags and css.. kind of annoying tbh. this bullshit took me all day but i think it was worth it. um. but i would have liked for the process to be easier. anyway my site is useable to a degree.

February 3rd, 2024: HELLO WORLD

i am attempting yet again to figure out my neocities website. i first created this site some time last year, made the background green, embedded a picture of men kissing, and left it to rot for the most part. i tried to revive the thing a few times but failed because technology has made itself an enemy to me (side effect of being a Mac user). thankfully i stumbled upon this youtube video and downloaded Brackets. the Live Preview feature is making this learning process much easier for me. hopefully the site looks alright now?